Meet Our Champions
Your Partners in Progress

Abdelilah H.
Founder - CEO
A serial tech entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and digitalization. My expertise spans across various areas, including business consulting, software development, and digital marketing.
Dennis Tilgenkamp
Board Advisor
I am an expert in IT management and business development. With over 18 years of experience, I have a strong background in business strategy and change management in dynamic high growth environment.
Chaimae Bouzid
Sales Director
Pioneering client engagement, and with a dual role overseeing both sales and projects, I blend solid strategy with meaningful connections to deliver tailored experiences that merge quality and value, ensuring collaboration success.
Nabil Ettaouil
Business Development Manager
Othman El Harhouri
e-Commerce & Business Manager
As a Business Manager, I contribute to strategic planning, oversee daily operations, and enhance team collaboration. The goal is to dive business success.
Madiha Camil
Sales & Marketing Associate
Mohamed Hamidoun
Tech Lead
As a Tech Lead, I drive technical innovation and foster collaboration to achieve project success and exceed expectations by mentoring a talented group of developers.
Badr Choujai
Full Stack Engineer
A Full Stack Engineer who is an Innovative problem-solver, detail-oriented, continuous learner, efficient time manager, and critical thinker.
Samir El Asri
Full Stack Engineer
As full-stack engineer with passion for creating practical and user-friendly solutions to implemente seamless and responsive applications.
Software Engineer
As a software Engineer fluent in full-stack development, my goal is to transform complex ideas into user-friendly web experiences that delight users.
Full Stack Engineer
As a software engineer, I find joy in the ever-evolving world of coding, where creativity and problem-solving skills are my daily companions.
Full Stack Engineer
I'm a passionate full stack developer with a keen interest in web development, cloud computing, and challenges. I'm driven by a quest for success.
CMS Designer
A CMS designer, I create websites with WordPress and Elementor, crafting visually striking and functional sites for clients in diverse industries to ensure an optimal user experience
Ibrahim Areda
Sr. Fullstack Developer
Abdessamad Zatouani
UI/UX Designer
I care about making fly looking stuff that's smooth to use. I think about how you all interact and stress small stuff but never lose the vision.
Content Creator
As a graphic designer, i enjoy transforming creative ideas and concepts into communicationnal visuals and designing marketing materials to ensure brand consistency.
Digital Marketing Manager
As a Digital Marketing Manager, my role involves assisting you in the development and execution of effective digital marketing strategies to drive success and achieve your business goals.
Community Manager
As a Community Manager, I have a solid background in marketing and a strong foundation in costumer behavior and social media practices.
Ichrak El Charrad
Digital Marketing Manager
Yassine Boujida
Content Creator Audiovisual
Kaouthar KANBOUI
Office & HR Manager

We win together, team of tingis web

We believe in the power of a team, so we are real team players.
This certainly applies in the collaboration with our customers. Commitment comes from both sides, and something special always arises.

What makes us exceptional


Enjoy the freedom to balance work and life commitments with our flexible scheduling and remote work options.


Join a team where collaboration isn't just encouraged—it's celebrated. Work alongside talented individuals who value teamwork, creativity, and mutual support.


From mentorship programs to continuous learning initiatives, we foster an environment where your professional development is prioritized.

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